Vinyl Mailorder - Schallplatten- und CD-Versand  - Original Product
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TERRY FELL - Fireball Boogie - The California Acetates And More - CD 26735
11Terry Fell and The FellersI've Done All I Know To Do
12Terry Fell and The FellersYou Ran Around (While I Was Gone)
13Terry Fell and The FellersPaper Heart
14Terry Fell and The FellersYou Don't Want Me Any More
15Terry Fell and His Red River RangersPaper Heart
16Terry Fell and His Red River RangersYou Don't Want Me Any More
17Terry FellYou're Not Wanted Here
18Terry Fell and His Seven Southerners StopYour Flirting Little Girl
19Terry Fell and His Seven SouthernersTexas A La Mode
110Terry Fell and His 7 Southerners and The Sunshine TrioPlease My Darling Think Of Me
111Terry Fell and His 7 SouthernersYou Are Tearing My Poor Paper Heart
112Terry Fell and Sunshine Trio, Leodie Jackson and His Western SwingstersWhy Should I Feel So Blue
113Terry Fell, Leodie Jackson and His Western SwingstersI'm Sorry We Have To Part
114Leodie Jackson (vocal), Terry Fell and His Western SwingstersRamblin' Oakie
115Leodie Jackson and His Western SwingstersSteeling The Blues
116Terry Fell and The FellersGuess I'm Better Off Without You
117Terry Fell and The FellersI've Done All I Know To Do
118Terry Fell and The FellersYou Ran Around While I Was Gone
119Terry Fell and The FellersNapanee
120Terry Fell and The FellersLittle By Little
121Terry Fell and The FellersI'm In Heaven
122Terry Fell and The FellersGive My Heart Time To Mend
123Terry Fell and The FellersTellin' All My Trouble Goodbye
124Terry Fell and The FellersI'm In Heaven (Away This Side Of Heaven)
125Terry Fell and The FellersThe Grass Is Greener Over There (Donkey Song)
126Terry Fell and The FellersI'm Glad I Found You Out (#1)
127Terry Fell and The FellersMidnight Sun
128Terry FellThat's Alabam
129Terry FellJust Like I Thought You Would Be
130Terry Fell and The FellersA Nickel For A Dozen Roses
21Terry Fell and The FellersSnow Deer (PD)
22Terry Fell and The FellersWith Another In Your Heart
23Terry Fell and The FellersYesterday
24Terry Fell and The FellersFireball Boogie
25Terry Fell and The FellersI Can Hear You Clucking
26Terry Fell and The FellersHillbilly Impersonations
27Terry Fell and The FellersSmoking Cornsilks
28Forrest FieldMy Pretty Japanese
29Terry Fell and The FellersDon't Drop It
210Terry Fell and The FellersTruck Driving Man
211Terry Fell and The FellersYou Don't Give A Hang About Me
212Terry Fell and The FellersGet Aboard My Wagon
213Terry Fell and The FellersMississippi River Shuffle
214Terry Fell and The FellersHe's In Love With You
215Terry FellI'm Hot To Trot
216Terry FellFa-So-La
217Terry FellI Nearly Go Crazy
218Terry FellThat's What I Like
219Terry FellWhat Am I Worth
220Terry FellThat's The Way The Big Ball Bounces
221Terry FellI Can Hear You Cluckin'
222Terry FellDon't Do It Joe
223Terry FellCaveman
224Terry FellPlay The Music Louder
225Terry FellSmokin' Cornsilks
226Terry FellI'm Glad I Found You Out (#2)
227Terry Fell and The FellersGuess I'm Better Off Without You (Uncredited)
228Terry FellI Nearly Go Crazy Sometimes
229Terry FellDon't Drop It (#1)
230Terry Fell and The FellersTruck Driving Man (#1)
231Terry Fell and The FellersThrottle Boogie
232Terry FellNever
31Terry FellOver And Over
32Terry FellIf I Didn't Have You
33Terry FellConsolation Prize
34Terry FellWham! Bam! Hot Ziggity Zam
35The TremorsBanana Choo Choo
36The TremorsYucatan
37Fred CarterFreeloaders
38Fred CarterI'm In Love
39Johnny ValentineAngel On A Cloud
310Johnny ValentineSandy
311Terry FellChild Bride
312Terry FellPaper Kite
313Glenn GarrisonThe Ballad Of Hank Gordon
314Glenn GarrisonPony Tail Girl
315Robin RocketChanging Schools
316Sammy MastersRockin' Red Wing
317Sammy MastersGolden Slippers
318Terry FellY'all Be Good Now
319Terry FellWho Who's
320Bob MorrisGrounded Wasp
321Bob MorrisJungle Giant
322Gary LinkHer Skirt Was Just Too Tight
323Curtis GordonPlay The Music Louder
324Eddie CochranCradle Baby
325Jeani MackDirty Dishes
326Hank LocklinYou're The Reason
327Bill WoodsTruck Driving Man
328Eddie CochranNever
329Sammy MastersJenny Come Down
330Sammy MastersHootnanny Hill
331Terry FellDon't Drop It (#2)
332Terry FellThat’s What I Like
VÖ: 22.11.2024
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18.99 €


Fireball Boogie - The California Acetates And More





Anzahl Tonträger:3
Die große Terry Fell-Anthologie mit unglaublichen 94 Songs auf drei CD’s - inklusive 21 hier erstmals veröffentlichter restaurierter Acetat-Aufnahmen. Das Vermächtnis des Country-Multitalents erscheint auf Atomicat. Terry Fell wurde 1921 in Dora (Alabama) geboren, lernte früh Gitarre und spielte auch Bass und Mandoline, sang und schrieb zahlreiche Songs. „Fireball Boogie“ enthält Aufnahmen von 1945 bis 1963, mit Schwerpunkt auf die schwungvollen Stücke. Die meisten davon wurden als Terry Fell and The Fellers veröffentlicht, natürlich ist auch das ikonische „Truck Driving Man“ - sogar in einer bisher unveröffentlichten Version - enthalten. Fell führte mit Lode auch sein eigenes Label, auf der dritten CD sind viele Aufnahmen der dort beheimateten Künstler zu hören, sowie Fell-Interpretationen anderer Sänger. 21 vom Audio-Restaurationsexperten Christian Zwarg und Heiko Schulz vom Black Shack Recordings Studio gereinigte, restaurierte, überspielte und korrigierte Acetat-Aufnahmen aus dem Fundus von Rockstar Records / Richard Weize sind auf dieser Anthologie erstmals zu hören! Das 16-seitige Booklet enthält neben einer Diskografie und Fotos auch eine Biografie.
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CD Versand & Vinyl Mailorder
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